Rajasthani Bhasha Academy
The Rajasthani Bhasha Academy has been set up to pursue Rajasthani language teaching and research.
Dive right into the language with Seekho Rajasthani, the first formal Rajasthani language learning course, online.
Who We Are
The Rajasthani Bhasha Academy is a Public Charitable Trust set up under the Indian Trusts Act. The academy comprises people from various walks of life – academics, researchers, writers and students, all united by a common purpose to preserve and propagate the Rajasthani language.
What We Do
Our primary aim is to pursue Rajasthani language teaching and research. Presently, we are setting up and running the first ever Rajasthani language learning course, online. This will allow those who have not learnt the language as their mother tongue, a formal route of entry into it.
Seekho Rajasthani - Our First Course
Formal Rajasthani teaching remains a major lacuna in Rajasthan and elsewhere. While the language continues to be widely spoken in the State in one of its many forms, most have learnt it as their mother tongue. Due to an absence of Constitutional recognition, formal instruction in Rajasthan has remained an unmet need. The Seekho Rajasthani project is the first initiative launched by the Academy to plug this lacuna.